Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"Hunters getting hunted"

The global crises has left investors feeling drained and devoid of investment options. the phrase "too big to fail"has became a history. the whole scenario has changed at the wall street. The country with the biggest financial system has been under serious ecnomic crises. Hunters are getting hunted at the wall street it all started with the sub prime crises and recently the fall of the 4th largest investment banker added to the panic. I dont remember when I saw my portfolio last gone are the days when we use to watch CNBC,NDTV profit and all those business news channels regularly while taking our breakfast and lunch and saw our share prices soaring up and felt proud of our investment decissions.
US goverment $700 billion bail out fund to save the economy would mean taking over several global investment banks directly or indirectly US would become the largest owner of sovereign wealth fund(SWF) in the world.What I think that this crises is a result of faliure of regulatory policies to guard against exessive risk taking by the financial system.The crises have put a question on the role of credit rating agencies and regulatory policy makers.It has urged for a greater transparecy .The whole arcitecture has to be rebuild so that the economy can resist the load of such crises.There is a need to rethink about the accounting rules ,regulations and transparency


At October 1, 2008 at 9:49 AM , Blogger Anita said...

Impact On Indian Market :
In longterm there will be no effect on our investments in Stock Market but definitely short term impact will be there. This year we can also see a fall in property rates so as to attract investors in real estate sector. So, I think we indian investors should not get panic & loose temper by withdrawing our money from share market and make the situation worse. Yesterday RBI has to step into to assure investors that ICICI bank has sufficient liquidity to meet the requirement of depositors. So frndz.....wid positive attitude
"Lets wait n watch "

At October 3, 2008 at 1:25 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

why the 4th IB drowned ad what is the flaw in accounting you have observed in that company???
I think the flaw is somewhere else??


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